Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

LESSON PLAN Where Do You Live

Education Unit : SDN IT Bumiayu
Subject                         : English
Grade/Semester            : IV/I
Session             : 1
Time Allocation            : 15 Menit
Date                             : Monday, April 25th2013
I.        Competency Standards:
2. Revealsa verysimpleinstructionandinformationin thecontext of the classroom.
II.     Basic Competences
2.1 Chatted toaccompanytheactioninvolvingthankingspeech acts: introducingthemselves, greeting/greeting, farewellsalute, andgestured.
III.   Learning Indicator
1.      Readaloudthe vocabularyassociatedwith numbersfrom 20 to100, prepositionsin, onandat.
2.      Respond towordsorsentencesandsimpleinstructionsthatterkkaitwith numbersfrom29to 100, prepositionsin, onandatandthe wordsthat show theaddress.
3.      Chattedto requestinformationinvolvingnumbersfrom20 to100, prepositionsin, onandatandthe wordsthat show theaddress.
IV.  Learning Objectives
1.      Students can read aloud the vocabulary associated with numbers from 20 to 100, prepositions in, on and at.
2.      Students can respond to words or sentences and simple instructions that terkkait with numbers from 29 to 100, prepositions in, on and at and the words that show the address.
3.      Students can talk to ask for information involving numbers from 20 to 100, prepositions in, on and at and the words that show the address.
V.     Learning Materials : Where Do You Live
VI.  Methods/ Learning Strategies: The method usedis alectureand question-answerstrategywhileusing theTalkingStick.
VII.            Learning Stages
1.      Pre Teaching : 4 Minutes
-         Teacheropensthe lessonbygreeting.
-         Teacher asksstudentnewspaper.
-         Teachersandstudentspraytogether according totheir respective beliefs
-         Teacherscheckstudent attendance.
-         The teacher informsaboutthe material being studied.
-         Teachersdeliverthe learning objectives.
-         Teachergivesapresepsito students.
Characters: Bold, Religion, Discipline, Attention, Concern
2.      Whilst : 6 Minutes
a.       Exploration:
-         Teachershowspictureconversationabout asking thehome addressesand telephone numbers.
-         Studentspay attention tothe explanationofthe teacher.
-         Teachersread numbersfroma value of 20to 100.
-         Studentsrecite theexplanationsthat have beenspokenbythe teacher.
-         Teachersgivestudents the chance toask.
b.      Elaboration :
-         Teachersto explain tostudentsabout the activitiesto be carried out.
-         Students areasked tolisten to theexplanationsofthe teachercarefully.
-         Stickteachersgiveto students.
-         Students are requiredto singDo,Re, Mi.
-         WhenstudentssingStickwas given toa friendnext toon an ongoing basis.
-         Teacherson dutyto stopandresumethe song.
-         Students whohold thestickall three songswillstopgettingquestions fromthe teacher.
c.       Confirmation :
-          Students whogetthe stick when the song stops will get his questions about the home address and telephone number.
-          Students who get the stick when the song stopped asking requested home addresses and telephone numbers one student.
-          Teachers confirm the answers and all the students are asked to say back together.
-          Teachers givestudents the chance toask.
Charakters:Attention, Brave, Courteous,Independent, Patient, andspirit.
3.      Post : 4 Minutes
-          Teacher learning conclude that we have carried out.
-          Teachers give students the chance to ask.
-          Teachers provide an evaluation sheet to students.
-          Teachers give homework.
-          Teachers provide a moral message to the students.
-          Teachers and students together to say Hamdallah.
Characters:Bold, Religion, Attention, Brave, Courteous,Independent, Patient, andspirit.

VIII.         Sources and Learning Media
Sources :
Chudlori Masrur, 2012 My English untuk Sekolah Dasar. Jakarta: PT Dian Rakyat.
Media : Laptop and Pictures.
IX.  Assessment
Assessment Instrument
1.      Oral Test
2.      Written Test
X.     Enclosures:
1.      Learning Materials
2.      Test Instruments
3.      Answer Key
4.      Assessment Criteria

                                                                                                   Surakarta,April25th 2013
          Acknowledged by:
        School Principal of SD Permata Hati                                                Teachers

              Aisyah Setiowati, S.pd                                                  Faisal Azmi Bakhtiar
           NIP. 197994892 158123 2 001                                           NIM. A510100256

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